Importance of a Business Name

An effective branding system starts with a great name. Unless you can put a name to your company that will distinguish it, you cannot proceed with creating a brand. It is similar to a newborn child, who must first be named before he or she can create their unique...

In your small business, you must lead people.

Even your weekend getaways can be times and places where you need to motivate a team. You may need to push your family to get out of bed so that you can all go to church, or so that you can all get to the party in the next town just in time. Or you may have a group of...

Customer service is critical for your business

From patient and gentle people to those who are short of insulting people on the phone. You will need to motivate your customer service employees on two principal fronts: in dealing with customers, and in staying on the job even after all the stress. As the leader of...

Small Business and Your Image

In order to establish a strong business brand, you also need to create a strong business image. This will be used by potential customers or consumers to assess their own expectations about the company. There is a crucial moment in every marketing strategy that is...

What is Brand Valuation?

Over the years, brand valuation is being recognized as an important factor to be used in the analysis of marketing and finance efforts involved in the company. It falls under the intangible business assets category and is being closely looked into for ways to expand...

Small Business Marketing: What is a Slogan?

Any form of a Small Business Marketing business branding plan must involve the creation of a slogan. It is one of the basic elements necessary in building an effective brand campaign. A slogan typically consists of a short sentence or a phrase that serve to reinforce...

Branding for Small Business Marketing

What is a Branding Model in Small Business Marketing? There are basic models utilized in the process of brand planning. Each of them will cover different scopes and aspects of the process to create a sound branding strategy. Aside from the ability to postulate methods...

Small Business Motivation

No matter how hard you work at it, it can be hard to convince people to help you fold clothes or gather canned goods for the less fortunate, especially when they have jobs that they think are more important than any other earthly activity. And no matter what you do,...

Small Business Motivation

Wake up to the right environment. Believe it or not but the way your room looks can help or hinder your ability to wake up early. A messy room will generally make you disinclined to wake up early because cleaning your room will just be one of the many worries you have...