Education-Based marketing

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There’s a huge difference from traditional marketing versus educational response marketing. With traditional marketing, your advertising is always a sell-based message. For example, you would run an ad that would say, “For $4.99 you can come in here and get this widget,” or it’s a one-step marketing that only promotes specific products and services. In those cases, you’re simply blasting your sales message out and delivering your sales message to the marketplace. This approach is a very short-term way to run your marketing campaigns and usually it’s not trackable. In his awesome book, The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes goes into great detail on this educational sales concept. Great read.

Therefore, you’re running a newspaper ad, radio ad, television ad and most times you can’t track it and it’s not really educational. But, if you focus on offering educational direct response marketing, you start to have education-based message that has multi-steps that step your prospects up your profit ladder. The key is to take your top 10 or 15 questions that customers have and you break it apart and you create a marketing piece that educates your customers about all of the aspects of your product or services. You can use your marketing campaign to really stand heads and shoulders above your competition about your delivery options, customization options etc. and educate your customers about all the things your business can do, meanwhile you’re also extending a invitation to them to come into your business.

When you do educational direct response marketing, you’re looking at all the ways you can contact a customer and educate them about your product and service. For example, you may try newsletters, email, phone calls, video, special reports and various other ways in which you can educate your marketplace and prospect, about who you are and what you do. It’s a very different concept then just putting a newspaper ad in the paper and hoping that enough people pay attention to it.

The Key To Massive Marketing Success

One of the real key’s to massive business and marketing success, is all about creating systems. It’s about using systems to automate what you’re doing that is successful. With systems in place doing this automatically, it’s brain-dead easy and you don’t have to personally do everything yourself. In other words, you get your life back.

The reality is that the more you work on your business creating these marketing messages that educate your prospects in addition to making a sales offer to them, studying your competitors to see what they’re doing good or what they’re doing bad and implementing it in your business and start to plan out your daily success actions and activities for reaching your goals in your business, the more successful you’ll be.

Don’t Waste Your Time

On the other side of the coin, here are activities that don’t make you any money. If you’re just doing payroll, if you’re counseling employees, if you’re ordering supplies, managing projects, commuting, answering phone calls, drawing floor designs, things like that don’t make you money. Here are things that make you money in your business: creating marketing systems to get leads in , sales training to help your salespeople, generating referrals, having systems that get customers to refer other customers, testing promotions, testing other ads, running other ads in newspapers, things like that, to see what works, mailing out offers to other lists so you get a list of people who have bought the product in the past and begin to mail to them, these are all activities that make money. Unfortunately, most business owners spend most of their time doing things that don’t make them money and then wonder why they’re not making money. Now, as you begin to plan out your daily habits and your daily business goals you need to make sure your daily actions are filled with activities that actually make you money and stay away from the things that don’t make you any money.

Recommended Reading on Education-Based marketing: