Small Business Marketing

Whether you’ve created a website already or are planning to create one in the near future, you know that’s only half the battle.

The other half is getting your website found in the search engines in hopes of attracting those interested in the type of products or services you offer. Although there are a variety of ways to get your website found, this report focuses on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Small Business Marketing-SEO Basics:

Through effective SEO tactics, you can improve your search engine rankings for important terms, gain more traffic and do more business.

Search engine optimization, aka SEO, is the term that refers to the things you can do to improve your website’s visibility in the search engines which is critical to your Small business marketing. Search engine optimization techniques focus on increasing  the organic, or natural, traffic that you receive based on your ranking within the search engines.

The goal of search engine optimization is to ensure your website appeals to search engine crawlers, or bots. The search engines will take note of your site and its content, categorizing it in a way that will allow it to show up in the SERPs (search engine results pages) when certain keywords are typed. As I’m routinely asked to give SEO advice/tips, I decided to put my thoughts to paper. The resulting articles have been compiled to create this report and you can click the graphic below to access it.

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Small Business Marketing Tips-SEO Basics