Marketing For Small Business

marketing for small business

Are you a “Marketing Liar”??!!

I found this great article on marketing to women and it seems that there’s a bit of lying or half-truths involved….see what you think but be careful when marketing for your small business!

What I learned from Mary Lou is that women admit half-truths, but marketers really need to get at the whole-truths on how women think before buying to effectively engage. An example of this is when asking women about their looks and beauty (imperative in selling anything beauty related – clothing, lotions, makeup, vitamins), women will often spout a half-truth answer like ‘It is what is inside that counts.’ The whole-truth is really closer to ‘I would rather look better.’

The gap between the half-truths and whole-truths is important because it illustrates when marketing to women, companies need to be aware that they are dealing with 2 personalities in every woman. There is the woman you are actually physically looking at and there is the woman who she wants to think of herself as being. When I reflect on my own purchases and consumer mentality, I see this phenomenon loud and clear.

So what do you think? Comment below….I’ll bet we’ll see some interesting thoughts as they pertain to marketing for small business!


Marketing For Small Business